Monday, May 7, 2012


It is said that women and men do things for different reasons and one example would be 
when a female watches a movie and when a male watches one. For example, let's talk about the
movie that just came out, The Avengers. Men are probably watching this movie just because their
favorite child hood super hero is in the movie or because they used to read the comics back in the day. 
But sometimes, we females think differently, we think that they are only watching the movie because one
of the actresses are "hot" or appealing to their eyes. For example, in The Avengers, Scarlett Johansson stars
as one of the female heroine's. We all know she has sexual appeal. I guess we girls should stop thinking that guys are only watching these movies because of the attractive female actresses and we should just know that they're just watching the movie because they actually want to see the movie because it seems entertaining.

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