Monday, March 5, 2012

Media Affecting Female Body Image?

Is the media affecting the body image and self esteem of females? I would have to say, of course it is affecting women of this century. Long time ago people used to see the more over-weight people as wealthy, high class, and beautiful. For example, Marilyn Monroe was not stick skinny but she was seen as a beauty icon! Nowadays it is all about being skinny to the point where you can see a woman's rib cage and spine! On television and magazines we always see the "popular" girls having a small figure where as the "losers" are just average sized or over-weight. We rarely see plus-sized models anymore. Super models these days have to be stick skinny and under 100 pounds most of the time. What the media shows, women will believe and think that is the only way one should look; that being thin is the only definition of beauty. I really do believe that the media is sending out incorrect messages to women these days, and young girls especially will be more vulnerable to these messages. Beauty should be defined in all shapes and sizes.

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